Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Our Far-Away Friends

Today our preschoolers worked on their cut-and-paste letters for their far-away friends!  The kiddies worked hard experimenting with scissors and absolutely impressed.  When their clippings were ready to reassemble they were done so by number. Each little one enjoyed the challenge of finding, ordering, and gluing numbers 1-7, and needed little help from myself or Mrs. Hansen.  Titled and signed, our lovely friendship letters required just one more touch to complete!

On the backside of each letter our preschoolers finished their projects by drawing thoughtful pictures for the friends from afar.  Because the weather proved frigid this morning we decided to post-pone our walk to the post-office, but we'll be sure to have these priceless letters posted sometime next week.

Did you notice, these girls are sporting the color pink in support of anti-bullying campaigne Pink Shirt Day!

After Snack, Centers, and singing and dancing, both morning and afternoon classes closed our month of friendship by crafting special 'friendship bracelets'.  

Here's what we did...
  • Before each class I snipped napkin-holder sized rings from paper towel rolls
  • A cut into the ring width wise creates the band's opening
  • Every child decorated a ring with foam stickers and markers and then gifted it to their friend sitting at their right!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mrs. Lavallee!
    Thank-you for keeping Kam's dad and I (and even grandmas and grandpas) updated on all the exciting things she gets to do every day at preschool. Makes for some entertaining dinner table discussions!

    All the best to you as you launch your 3rd year in operation.

    Jenny McAusland
