Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Literacy Day

Literacy Day began with an exclamation point yesterday!  With Mrs. Lavallee dressed as Pippi Longstockings and carrying Mr. Nilsson, how could the day not be filled with amusement?  Mr. Kirby Dean Cudmore pinned it when he said "Mrs. Lavallee, you're funny!"

We began our day with Mr. Who-Bird, as is the regime, but before Center Time began, Mrs. Lavallee tutored the class on the anatomy of a book...

Here are a few things we learned:
  • The front of a book, which is different than its inside pages, is called a cover.
  • The big words written upon the cover is called a book's title
  • The smaller words written upon the cover tell readers who wrote and illustrated the book

"You will get to be authors today!"  Mrs. Lavallee announced, and we were to put our thinking caps on.  "While playing in centers," Mrs. Lavallee said, "start thinking about the story you'd like to put in your very own book!"  And so we did!

Working on our books was lots of fun, and just like us our stories were unique! 

After writing and illustrating our stories, we were visited by three grade three students who read us a few stories of their own.  Thanks Nicholas Lavallee, Hunter Maurice, and Keira Murphey, it was fun listening to you read, and all of your illustrations were great!

After discussing the word Library and what it means, Mrs. Lavallee then read us the story Goldilocks and the Three Bears.  The book was fun to listen to, but what we liked best was being able to act the story out!  Each with a character mask, we had fun re-enacting the classic tale.  It was the perfect end to a fun, literature loving day!

Don't forget...
  • The Book Trade is in full swing!  If you have any gently used books at home you'd be willing to part with, bring them to school this Wednesday.  Then on Thursday, January 30th, pop by Penson School to sift through books other students donated to the Trade.  The amount of books you bring from home is the amount of books you can trade for!

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