Thursday, 16 January 2014

The Preschool Clock, Big Board, and how to catch Fish

Our Preschool Clock is very important!  Because Mrs. Lavallee can be forgetful, the Preschool Clock helps keep her organized and on schedule.  It is the duty of the Leader to change our clock when necessary, by turning the red arrow upon the appropriate representation of our next time block. 

These are the names of our blocks:
  • Carpet Time
  • Table Time
  • Center Time
  • Snack Time

Once our Leader has set the Preschool Clock's time, it is her duty to decide which weather card should be set upon our Big Board.  As student Tory Johnson once said "It's a hard job being Leader".

Other Leader Duties include being the head of class line-ups, notifying classmates of clean-up by turning off lights and singing the clean-up song, and being Mrs. Lavallee's little helper when required.

Throughout the day Mrs. Lavallee likes to catch fish!  She keeps an eye out for good deeds like helping others or remembering the use of great Preschool manners.  On our board her colored fish read 'Guess Who In School Was Caught Being Cool', and it is here, upon the string which lures them, her paper fish will be, with the words of our kindnesses scribbled upon their backs!  Before dismissal Mrs. Lavallee pulls the fish from her line and reads to the class what each fish says, and then we give ourselves a pat on the fin!

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